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AAS490: Senior Seminar on American Human Rights Policy / Anderson


Numerous reports and news stories suggest that more and more individuals get their news from social media. Here are a few articles about why that can be a problem. What do you think?

Google News Feed "African American" "Human Rights"

Perhaps instead of getting your news via social media, try a news feed! Here's an example:

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Want to set up a newsfeed about a certain issue that you're interested in like the one above? Here are instructions on how to do it!

  • Go to
  • Enter the search term you want the Google Alert to track – if you’re not sure what to track, start with your company name. You may also want to include keyword phrases related to your brand and your industry.
  • Then select ‘show options’
  • Choose the sources you want Google Alerts to find and share with you. You can choose from – blogs, news, web, video, books, discussions, finance or automatic (everything)
  • Choose how often you would like to receive your Google Alerts. You can choose from – as it happens, at most once a day, at most once a week
  • Choose how many results you want to get. You can receive ‘only the best results’ or ‘all results’ depending on your needs
  • Choose where you would like the Google Alerts delivered. You can receive the alerts via email, or choose an RSS feed, such as Feedly.
  • Click the ‘Create Alert’ button
