Hard (print) copies of the Bluebook, which can be checked out, are available at the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor of the Law Library.
Other helpful resources for Bluebooking include:
- Georgetown Law Bluebook Research Guide. Georgetown's excellent guide introduces you to the Bluebook in detail. It includes video tutorials for both Cases and Statutes.
- University of Washington Law Bluebook 101. UW also provides a comprehensive guide. It includes videos including for important topics like Signals, Cross-References, and Online Sources.
- Hein Online (citation generator). In addition to providing a useful citation generator, Hein provides pdf originals of most US law review articles. These can be a very useful because they let you see how others have cited a source.
- LexisNexis Interactive Citation Workstation. For Emory Law students with access to Lexis+, follow the provided link and sign into Lexis. The "Interactive Citation Workstation" page should include a column (at left) labeled "Student Exercises." If you click on "Student Exercises," you should be able to then click on "Bluebook," where you will find Bluebook exercises for Case Names, Federal Statutes, Secondary Sources, etc.