If, in doing your research, you find an item (a newspaper article, a journal article, a book) that looks like it might be relevant to your research, you have a number of ways to track the item down:
You may be able to find the item by running a simple catalog search using the Emory Libraries catalog, which will pull results for all of the libraries at Emory. If the item is available in print form, the library record will show you where that item is held, including at the MacMillan Law Library, Woodruff Library, Pitts Theology Library, etc.
The fastest way to get an item available in print form will be to go to the library where it is on the shelf by clicking the "Locate/Request item" button to find the library and call number information. You can also request that the item be sent to the MacMillan Law Library (or whichever Emory Library you prefer). Once the item arrives, you will receive a notice to pick it up and check it out.
If the item you are looking for is a journal article, you can again use the Emory Libraries catalog search option to search using the name of the journal's title. For example, if you wanted to find a particular article in the journal Urban Anthropology, you could enter "Urban Anthropology" in the catalog search box, and you could then "Connect" to search issues of that journal to find the specific article you are looking for.
Articles+ allows you to access millions of scholarly publications, including books and articles, that are harvested from commercial publishers and open-access repositories. You can enter your search terms in the Articles+ search box to see if you have access to the item through Emory Libraries.
When you are doing your research using databases available to Emory users, you will be able to see if a particular item is available to you. Check to see if an item you've retrieved allows you to view the "html version," "pdf version," or "full text" of the article or book, or if there is a "Find it @ Emory" button that will allow you to find a complete, electronic version of it.
If Emory Libraries do not have an item you are looking for, you can use Worldcat to see if the item is available through another library system.
Worldcat is a catalog of items held by libraries worldwide. You can conduct a basic search or an advanced search in Worldcat, using options such as keyword, personal name, title, ISBN, and more. Once you retrieve the record for a particular item, you will see if it is available through Emory Libraries as the record will note "At Emory University Libraries." If the item is not available through Emory Libraries, you can click on the record information and then under "Access Options," click on "Request through ILLiad" to have the item sent to you through the Interlibrary Loan system.
To make an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request for materials that are not available in print or electronically through Emory Libraries, you will need to set up an ILL account to request it. To do this, Emory Law students should contact Crystal Lee (clee51@emory.edu) to get an ILL account form and set up an account. The ILL form needs be completed and returned to Crystal before you can make an ILL request. Note that ILL requests can take several days or more, depending on the item, to arrive at Emory. Once you have an ILL account, you can "Request through ILLiad" by completing the ILL form to describe the item, including the title, author, date of publication, ISBN, etc.