Emory Guides
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When searching some of the databases below, you may notice that you can't access the full-text of some articles. Use the purple Find it at Emory button to do a quick search of Emory library databases to determine if the article exists somewhere else. You can also search for the title of the journal in Library Search.
The Emory Libraries have a large number of databases that can help you with your research. You can search in two different types of databases.
We also have databases that can help you locate sources like videos, images, data sets, data visualizations, primary sources, newspapers, interviews, etc.
Google Scholar is also a great place to search for articles. Use these directions to ensure that you can both find and access material from Google Scholar at the Emory Libraries.
Pro-tip: always scour through the bibliographies of the articles you're reading that relate to your research area/topic. Often you'll find that someone else has done the legwork of compiling articles/books directly relevant to your research interest!
Prominent source for scholarly journal articles, book reviews, and dissertations in U.S. & Canadian history. Covers sources published from the 1960s to present.
Access scholarly journal articles, books reviews, and dissertations in modern world history (1450 to present) excluding the U.S. and Canada. Covers sources published from 1955 to present.
Indexes critical materials on literature, criticism, drama, languages, linguistics, and folklore. Coverage includes journals, series, essay collections, monographs, dissertations, bibliographies, proceedings, and other materials. Produced by the Modern Language Association.
Indexes journals, books, book chapters, book reviews, dissertations and conference papers in sociology and related disciplines.