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Studies in Sexualities

Welcome to the Studies in Sexualities Research Guide

In this guide, we have gathered together selected Emory Libraries resources that support research on sexualities and the Studies in Sexualities Program

Link to Studies in Sexualiites Research Guide.

"Walking on Rainbows" by Cory Woodward on Unsplash

Woman walking on rainbow painted brick road

Purchase Requests

Are there books, films, or databases related to Studies in Sexualities that you would like the library to purchase?

Contact Jennifer Elder, the Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Librarian, with your requests. 

Jennifer Elder

Profile Photo
Jennifer Elder
she, her, hers
Librarian for Education, Psychology, QTM, & Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

Emory University

Robert W. Woodruff Library
