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WGS 100W Gender Trouble (Main)

Professor Wilson, Fall 2021

***Research Tips***

  • For this class, I recommend starting your research with the databases in the box below, Excellent Places to Start.
  • For research on Freud, the PEP Archive database (see the box below) is a great resource.
  • If you do not see the full text of an article OR the blue "Find it @ Emory" button displayed below an article in a database, check your browser. The "Find it @ Emory" button should show up in Chrome.

Excellent Places to Start

Find Articles in Specific Journals

You can search within specific e-journals to find articles, also. 

1.Go to ejournals@Emory

2.Type in the title of the journal in the search box. (See the "Selected Journal List" on the left side of this page for ideas.)

Example: Gender & Society 

3.Select a Full Text option that has a good date range for your search (for this class, you are likely to be looking for more recent articles)

4.Log in to access the journal

5.You may search within the journal for articles (by topic or author, for example) - often there is a search box provided for doing this labeled, "Search within this journal" - OR you may browse journal issues or a larger database that includes the journal that you are interested in

More WGSS Resources

Additional Databases

Four Ways to Get the Full text of an Article

When you are searching for an article in a library database and you want to get the fulltext of the article, there are 4 possible scenarios you could face.

Scenario 1: The fulltext is available in the database you are searching. EASY! (click to view)

Scenario 2: The "Find it @ Emory" button leads you to the fulltext in another database. There are two steps in this process. (Click to view)

Scenario 3: The "Find it @ Emory" button does not lead to the fulltext, but we have the article in the print copy of the journal in the library stacks. There are 4 steps in this process. (PDF file)

Scenario 4: We do not have the article online or in print but you can order it using Interlibrary Loan. There are a number of steps to this process. (PDF file)