Feminist Collection
Available through Contemporary Women's Issues.
Feminist Formations(Continuation of NWSA Journal)
Feminist Review
HQ1154 .F4465
Feminist Studies: FS
HQ1101 .F455
HQ1190 .F465
Gender & History
HQ1101 .G46
Gender & Society
HQ1075 .G457
HQ1101 .H9
Formerly published under the title Women's Studies International Forum
HQ1101 .W775 (v. 5-v.29, 1982-2006) Now a separate journal.
Journal of Women's History
HQ1101 .J68
NWSA Journal
HQ1186 .U6 N87
Sex Roles
HQ786 .S4 (v.1-v.55, 1975-2006)
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture & Society
HQ1101 .S55
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly
Woman's Art Journal
N72 .F45W64
Women & Politics
HQ1236 .W63 (v.1-v.26, 1980-2004)
Continued as Journal of Women, Politics & Policy
HQ1236 .W63
Women's Review of Books
Micfilm 1635
Current issues shelved in Current Periodicals until replaced by microfilm.
Women's Studies
HQ1101 .W77 (v.1-v.28, 1972-1999)
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