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City Research Project: The principal research and writing component of this course will fall under an overarching project, in which you will become an expert on an ancient city of your choice, culminating in a 8-10 page research paper that will be submitted in lieu of a final examination
September 26th AGENDA
1. Review annotated bibliography assignment - Prof Ward (hand-out)
2. Quick Overview of Course Research Guide
3. Finding primary and secondary sources for your ancient City (View LIST of suggested cities)
1. Reference (tertiary) - background on your city
2. Finding Books - Library Search, Oxford Bibliographies, Book Reviews / Use Call Number Guide to learn which Stacks Tower Floor and then go find relevant book.
3. Research Tools (Tip-LibKey Nomad -LibKey Nomad is a free plugin that knows you're affiliated with Emory)
4. Wrap-up
Annotated Bibliography: (due Oct 17th) To familiarize you with the scholarship on your chosen city, students will be asked to conduct online and library research following a visit to the library on September 26th, developing an annotated bibliography including a ~150 word abstract highlighting key themes discussed by scholars in relation to your ancient city, and 7-10 citations of primary or secondary sources accompanied by ~100-150 word annotations highlighting their relevance to your growing knowledge of your ancient city.
A primary sources are original, first-hand records of a particular culture, event, or time period. These first-hand records can be contrasted with secondary sources (including many academic articles and books), which provide analysis or interpretation of primary source materials.
Primary sources include historical texts, inscriptions, artifacts, contemporary buildings, etc.
You can find many primary source materials via Library Search. Primary sources can also be found in Rose Library.
For more detailed information, see the Primary Sources Research Guide.
Most of the Emory libraries use the Library of Congress classification system of letters and numbers to group materials by subject. These call numbers are listed in Library Search and marked on each book. Use our call number guide to find out which floor of the library has the book you need.
8 A - DC
7 DD - HD2499
6 HD2500 - JK & N-NX
5 JL - LT, P - PR999
4 PR1000 - Z