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Jewish Studies Research Guide

Jewish Law Databases


Bar Ilan Responsa Project

Includes numerous works from the Responsa Literature - rabbinic case-law rulings which represent the historical-sociological milieu of real-life situations, in Hebrew שאלות ותשובות. In addition, the database includes the Bible, the Talmud and their principal commentaries; works about Jewish law and customs; major codes of Jewish law, such as Maimonides' Mishneh Torah and the Shulchan Arukh with its principal commentaries; midrashim, Zohar, etc. It also includes the Entsiklopedyah Talmudit. This online version has a variety of search options.


Hebrew Books was founded in order to preserve old American Hebrew books that are out of print and/or circulation. Many American Rabbis wrote seforim ספרים (in Hebrew: books, for the website: Hebrew books) in the early part of the twentieth century. Currently the mission of Hebrew Books has expanded to include all Torah Seforim ever printed. At you will be able to view and print the entire Sefer online.


Otzar HaHochma

Otzar HaHochma Online is a database of digitized books covering a variety of topics in Jewish Studies.


Rabbinics is a digital library of various texts that support rabbinical scholarship, traditional, modern, and academic. is a digital library of Jewish legal and religious texts containing both the Hebrew and English versions.


The Saul and Evelyn Henkind Talmud Text Databank is issued by the Saul Lieberman Institute of Talmudic Research, JTS. It showcases different editions and versions of the Talmudic text.


