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Psychological and Educational Measurement Instruments Guide

Overview to Finding Tests

  • Finding specific tests and measures can be challenging. In some cases, you'll only find a description or review of the test and not the test itself. You may also find a partial test or fragment of a test rather than a complete test.

  • Not all tests are readily available. In order to obtain and administer may published* psychological tests (commercial tests), one must be a licensed professional or meet certain criteria; also, many published tests are only available for purchase.

  • Non-published** or non-commercial tests may be obtained more easily. They can appear in books, journal articles, or in other sources. Identifying and locating them may take some time and patience.

  • In brief, finding tests may require looking in several different electronic and/or print resources.

*Published: Widely-used tests with established validity, reliability, and norms (e.g., standardized tests); usually commercially published and must be ordered or purchased from a publisher.

**Non-published: Non-commercial tests that have been developed or modified for controlled research studies. Some may have established validity and reliability, some may not. Sometimes printed in articles and books.

Social Sciences Librarian

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Jennifer Elder
she, her, hers
Librarian for Education, Psychology, QTM, & Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

Emory University

Robert W. Woodruff Library
