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Psychological and Educational Measurement Instruments Guide

Test Collections in Various Formats

CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health)
The database CINAHL offers Emory users access to 24 complete tests/measures.  Follow the directions below to access the tests.

  1. Look through the list of tests available in CINAHL, choose which one you want to access, and note its ACCESSION NUMBER
  2. Open the database by clicking here: CINAHL
  3. Click the option for "Adavanced Search" which appears right below the search box
  4. In the advanced search screen, enter the test's accession number in the first search box
  5. From the drop down menu on the first search line, choose "AN Accession Number"
  6. Click search
  7. Open the document to see the test


Tests in Microfiche (ETS - Educational Testing Service)
This collection of tests is available in Woodruff Library in microfiche format.  Follow the directions below to find the tests.

  1. Look through the list of 1260 tests available in Tests in Microfiche, choose the one(s) you want to see, and note the accession number(s).
  2. Go to level 1 of Woodruff Library and locate the microfiche drawers.  Tests in Microfiche are in drawer #1198. 
  3. The tests are arranged in alphanumeric order.  Find the microfiche with your test.
  4. Use the microfiche readers on Level 1 to view and print your tests.  Ask for help if needed.

ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center)
The department of education hosts this database.  You might find the tests online, on microfiche, or in print.  Follow the directions below to find the tests.

  1. Look through the list of 188 tests available in ERIC documents, choose the one(s) you want to see and note the accession number ("ED" followed by a six digit number)
  2. Open the ERIC database and click the option for "Advanced Search" which appears right below the search box
  3. Enter the accession number in the first search box and choose "AN Accession Number" from the drop down menu
  4. Click search
  5. Open the full record of the document and check the following:
    • is the test is available online? (you will see a link to full-text)
    • is the test available in microfiche* (it will say "available only on microfiche")
    • is the test available in another source? (it might have a citation to a book or journal article that you will have to look up separately).

*Note: ERIC documents in microfiche are available in drawers numbered 411 on Level 1 of Woodruff Library.

Social Sciences Librarian

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Jennifer Elder
she, her, hers
Librarian for Education, Psychology, QTM, & Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

Emory University

Robert W. Woodruff Library
