Install the LibKey Nomad browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, or Safari, and select Emory University as your institution.
"LibKey Nomad automatically provides instant links to articles from journals subscribed to by your library - and Open Access alternatives - connecting you to literature discovered on the web...LibKey Nomad also adds in-line enhancements to popular sites like PubMed, Wikipedia, Scopus, Web of Science," and SciFinder.
Example SciFinder search results with LibKey Nomad enabled (left/top) and disabled (right/bottom):
We have also provided a simple bookmarklet that allows you to easily authenticate:
If you are using a mobile device (phone, tablet, etc.) or are having issues dragging and dropping the bookmarklet button, you can also create the bookmarklet manually. The exact method varies depending on which browser you use, but you'll want to view your list of bookmarks and ask to create a new one. Give it a name you'll remember easily, and for the URL address use:
Once you've saved your bookmark, you can use it by clicking it when you're searching for journal articles and asked to pay. The bookmarklet will reroute your request through our proxy server.