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Economics 410W Topics in Macroeconomics (Spring 2025): Fiscal Policy

Research guide for Econ 410W, with a focus on macroeconomic theory, fiscal policy and the labor market. The guide serves to familiarize the student with both relevant bibliographic and data resources that are essential to the completion of their research

Finding Articles

  • EconLit with Full Text(1969 to present)

    • THE most comprehensive and respected database in the field of economics. Produced by the American Economic Association, it indexes scholarly economics literature from journals, books, dissertations, and working papers. A good feature of this database is the "narrow by subject" option to the left of your search.

  • Scopus (SciVerse Scopus)

    • The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature with bibliometric tools to track, analyze and visualize research. It contains over 19,500 titles from more than 5,000 publishers around the world, covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.

  • Business Source Complete

    • Industry reports, surveys, news, academic articles, etc. are all included here.  Very useful in particular for searching about specific industries, sectors, etc. Use lefthand navigation to refine your search as well as the dropdown menu.

  • Social Sciences Abstracts

    • Indexes core periodicals in the fields of anthropology, economics, geography, law and criminology, political science, social work, sociology, and international relations.




Google Scholar Search Advanced Techniques

You can use go directly to Advanced Google Search or go to Google Scholar, click on the hash marks in the top left and select the Advanced search option.  

Here are some search techniques that you can use directly in the Google Scholar search box without using the Advanced search feature.

  • To search exact phrases, search them in quotes.  For instance, "resistant hypertension" will yield results where those 2 terms will be right next to each other.
  • To search for any of the terms in the title, abstract, url, and essentially, any part of the web record that is searchable, use allintext:term term term.  For instance: allintext:resistant hypertension patients medications yields results where resistant, hypertension, patients, and medications appear somewhere in the web record.
  • To search for a topic and a specific word that appears in the title, use intitle.  For example, COVID vaccine intitle:children yields results where children appears in the title and COVID, vaccine appear in other parts of the web record.
  • To include a term, use + before the term: For example, if you are looking for resources that have children in the results, use: +children "COVID-19 vaccine"
  • To exclude a term, use - before the term.  For example, if you are looking for resistant hypertension articles but you do not want to retrieve books, use "resistant hypertension" -book
  • To retrieve more than 1 topic:  use OR (you do need to use all caps).  To retrieve information about hypertension in the elderly and in pregnancy: hypertension (pregnancy OR elderly)

For additional Google Search techniques: