The most direct way to request the purchase of library materials is to contact your subject liaison.
You can fill out this form to request that the library purchase specific materials, but please note that this is not an order form. Requests must be processed through normal library channels before being ordered.
Unlike print books, requesting complete copies of e-books is limited due to the types of licensing agreements set by publishers. Emory faculty, students, and staff can request a chapter from an e-book via Interlibrary Loan (ILL) at no cost to you.
Our priority is to make the Library Search your first stop for accessing e-book content accessible at Emory Libraries. Finding e-books in Lo Library Search begins when you conduct your first search. On the left-hand side of the results screen, you will be able to select (filter) titles available online, and limit to books. You can also perform an advanced search, and combine fields, and limit to just online access. .
You have 3 main options when you are browsing the Internet to determine if Emory owns or subscribes to a book or journal.
1) LibKey Nomad is a free plugin for Google Chrome that helps you access scholarly journal articles. Once it knows you're affiliated with Emory, LibKey Nomad checks the web page of the article you're viewing to see if it's available at Emory. If it is, you'll see a graphic in the bottom left corner of your browser window that looks like this:
2) For most all browsers, use the Emory Proxy Resolver bookmarklet to redirect you to any of Emory's subscriptions of web pages you are visiting.
If you are having trouble with either of these plugins, consult the detailed instructions.
3) To manually access a URL through EZproxy, please use the prefix url "" , followed by the URL you wish to link.