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About the Emory Libraries ebook collections available to Emory students, faculty, and staff

Tools for Researchers

Many e-books have restrictions for annotating pages, saving quotes, and taking notes. Recognizing this is not ideal or practical, the following tools can be used to organize and save your notes for your research for books, articles, and other publications. Emory makes freely available and provides technical support for the following 3 tools:

  1. Zotero (citation management tool that includes notes) 
    • Zotfile is a recognized plugin that automatically copies your PDF annotations into your notes
  2. EndNote (citation management tool that includes notes)
  3. OneNote (virtual notebooks). How to access:
    • To download, visit your Emory Office 365 subscription by signing-in at At the inbox, click on "the Waffle" icon -- the Apps Launcher -- to see a product add-on menu that includes OneNote. The app can be downloaded your computer desktop.
    • Or, access via Microsoft Teams.

Tools for Annotating PDF Documents

The following software can be used to highlight, mark-up, and even backup your annotated PDFs to cloud storage (e.g. OneDrive):