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ENG 345/AFS 389 - Writing Independence in Africa

This guide is designed to assist the students in Dr. Suhr-Sytsma's Spring 2024 course with the research for their final project


Welcome! We are looking forward to supporting you with your research.

Below are some quick links to help you get started with your research and information about the content on this guide. 

Get in touch with your course librarians if you have questions or if you'd like to set up an appointment to discuss your research assignment in more detail.

Linked here are the slides from your class's library session.

How to Use this Guide

This guide has a few different sections designed to help you both with your research in this class and with your information and media literacy skills more generally.

Get Started - Learn tips and best practices for starting a research assignment, including selecting a topic.

Evaluate Sources - Learn best practices for how to evaluate different types of sources and information you might come across in your research. Learn ways to ensure that you are finding and using credible information.

Find Background Information - Learn ways to discover more about your topic.

Find Articles - Learn ways to find articles using databases at the Emory libraries

Find Books - Learn how to find books at the Emory libraries

Get Help with Writing, Citing, Presentations, and More - Learn about resources to help you with the final phases of your research project, including ways to get help with writing a paper, citing sources, giving a presentation, creating a digital artifact like an online exhibit, and more.

Get Help with Research at Emory Libraries

The Emory Libraries provide a number of ways for your to get help with your research. Don't hesitate to get in touch with a question! We can help you locate materials, structure a search, develop your topic, evaluate materials, manage citations, and more.

Contact a Subject Librarian - our librarians specialize in different subjects and topic areas and can help with different aspects of the research process.

All librarians offer consultations on Zoom or can connect with you over email. On our Subject Librarian directory page, you will see a "Schedule a Consultation" link for each individual. You can click that to see their calendar and schedule a Zoom appointment with them at a convenient time.

Library Search User Guide - A user guide for searching the Emory Libraries Catalog 

Ask a Librarian - if you aren't sure who to contact directly, or you have a more general question, use our form on our Ask a Librarian page to get help.

Writing Center - if you need help with any aspect of the writing process, get in touch with the Emory Writing Center, who are also doing virtual appointments this summer.

Workshops and Classes - Emory Libraries offers a wide range of workshops where you can develop valuable research and digital literacy skills to help you succeed during your time at Emory and in your future endeavors. Workshops are available online and in-person.

ECDS - you can set up a consultation with ECDS to get help with a variety of digital projects, including working with data, digital humanities projects, online exhibits, or websites.