This guide is designed to help students conduct research about Brazil at Emory University. Special Thanks to Barbara Alvarez of the University of Michigan for permission to model this guide on their Brazilian Studies Guide.
A unique collection of digitized historical film magazines from the 1910s to the 1970s, providing students and researchers with easy access to rare and previously dispersed sources documenting the cinematographic history of the largest country in Latin America.
Red de Revistas Cientificas de America Latina y el Caribe, Espana y Portugal. Full text database of Latin American journal in the Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities from the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico
The Scientific Electronic Library Online- is an electronic full text virtual library covering a selected collection of journals from Brazil. Many of journals are in the physical/medical sciences. SciELO includes also journals in the humanities, social sciences literature and linguistics. SCIELO contains an electronic book collection for Brazil as well.