This is a sample of some of the core journals for Brazilian Studies, in English and Portuguese.
Luso-Brazilian Review publishes interdisciplinary scholarship on Portuguese, Brazilian, and Lusophone African cultures, with special emphasis on scholarly works in literature, history, and the social sciences.
Portuguese Studies published by the Department of Portuguese at King's College, U.K. Devoted to multidisciplinary research on the cultures, societies, and history of the Lusophone world.
Coloquio Letras published by the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian in Portugal. Publishes literary criticism, poetry, and short works of fiction from Portuguese-speaking countries. Print version From 154/155 (2000) Robert W. Woodruff Library ; Book Stacks ; NX7 .C642
Journal of Lusophone Studies Online academic journal of the American Portuguese Studies Association. Articles on the languages, peoples and cultures of Portuguese-speaking countries and diasporas.
Remate de Males Online published by the Departamento de Teoria Literária do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem at UNICAMP. Publishes articles, reviews, interviews and other relevant material to literary studies.
Revista USP multidisciplinary journal from the Universidade de Sao Paulo. Publishes articles in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Electronic archive of back issues. Print version from no.64- (2004) Robert W. Woodruff Library ; Book Stacks ; F2510 .R45
Revista de Historia da Biblioteca Nacional History magazine published by Brazil's National Library (Online Archive)
Revista Brasileira de Historia History magazine published by the Associação Nacional de História (Online Archive)