General suggestions for evaluating secondary sources on foreign law for authority:
Emory Library Search. Use Emory's library catalog to find treatises, including ebooks. Try searches for "private international law," "conflict of laws," "transnational litigation," or more specific topics like "international sales" or "international family law." Private international law is found in the library around K7040.
Use WorldCat to find treatises in other libraries for interlibrary loan.
Many legal research guides include titles to treatises on international law and foreign law.
Vanderbilt Law Library's Treatise Finders include Private International Law, International Commercial Arbitration, and Transnational Litigation.
Georgetown Law Library Treatise Finders by subject include International Law and International Trade Law.
University of Michigan Law Library Treatise Finders by Subject include International Law, Conflict of Laws, and Comparative Law.
Oxford Bibliographies on International Law include titles in topics within international law
Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law have articles that include bibliographies of secondary sources.
Elgar Research Reviews include articles on topics including private international law, with recommended readings from treatises and law journals. Search the catalog by topic and "Elgar research review."
UNILEX has Bibliographies on the UNIDROIT principles of International Commercial Contracts and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), with entries by author, treaty/principle article, and subject area.
Pace University's Institute of International Commercial Law has an International Sales Law Bibliography in its CISG Database. Create a free account and log in for access.
The Oxford Legal Research Library database has electronic, searchable versions of major titles in Private International Law (including Cheshire, North, and Fawcett on Private International Law), International Commercial Law, International Commercial Arbitration, and Financial and Banking Law.
Other treatises on subtopics in private international law:
These databases have articles on private international law and on the law of other countries :
Westlaw: International Journals (including Multi-National) and Secondary Sources on International Law
Lexis: Secondary Materials by country and region and International Law Reviews and Journals
Kluwer Law International Law Journal Library (Hein Online): Journals on international business law and arbitration. Four-year embargo for full text, with indexing for recent years.
International & Non-US Law Journals (Hein Online)
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (Hein Online): Index to books and law review articles from other countries, with links to articles available in Hein Online or through other databases available at Emory.
vLex Global: Includes foreign law journals and newspapers (some in English), arranged by country. Jurisdictions in vLex Global from around the world, but largest collections are for Latin America and European countries. See All Jurisdictions, find the jurisdiction you want, then go to Books and Journals.
JSTOR: Full-text, pdf journals, including older volumes. See the Advanced Search to narrow to journals by subject including International Relations, Law, and Public Policy & Administration.
Some specific journals on private international law include:
Journal of Private International Law
Public and Private International Law Bulletin (Istanbul University)
Resources for tracking news on private international law include:
ASIL (American Society of International Law) current awareness resources cover stories on international law:
Global Legal Monitor (Law Library of Congress): A review of major legal news stories from around the world, arranged by topic and jurisdiction. Most articles include links to legislation, jurisprudence, and news stories referenced.
Jurist World Legal News: News stories on foreign courts and legal issues, with links to primary documents and news sites.
News stories on multinational litigation can sometimes be found in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Find instructions for setting up digital access in the library's research guides. Other sources for international news include Westlaw, Lexis, NewsBank, and vLex Global .
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