Restatement of the Law, Conflict of Laws
Westlaw: Use the Key Number system to find cases on Conflict of Laws. Under many of the topic areas in Westlaw, there is a key number for "What Law Governs." From there, you can narrow by jurisdiction, and use Search Within Results with additional terms.
ALR (American Law Reports) on Westlaw: ALR articles are good for case finding by subject - see the articles under Conflict of Laws.
AmJur and CJS encyclopedias on Westlaw also provide basic information, including listing cases by subject. Subject headings include Conflict of Laws
Uniform Laws Annotated on Westlaw: Find cases interpreting the UCC rules on territorial applicability and choice of law
Lexis: Try searching within headnotes for Conflict of Law or Choice of Law.
Trial practice resources available on Westlaw include:
Lexis Practical Guidance offers practice notes, templates, clauses, articles and checklists by practice area and jurisdiction, with international questions covered by Getting the Deal Through (Lexology Panoramic) guides
Local Counsel: