The United States is a common law nation, which means in addition to federal and local statutes/rules, judges also create and shape the law through cases. Typically you can search for cases by either the case name/citation or by issue. There are many free resources available to search for cases, as well as databases that can be accessed through Woodruff Library's Databases.
Resources available through Woodruff Library's databases:
Federal and State cases and documents
U.S. Supreme Court cases and documents
Free resources available to the general public:
Federal and State cases and documents
U.S. Supreme Court cases and documents
Federal cases and documents
Have a research question for the library?
Students, please submit your question(s) here:
Faculty, please submit your question(s) here:
MacMillan Library Hybrid Research Services:
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
MacMillan Library Building Hours (January 6 - April 4):
Monday - Thursday: 8am - Midnight
Friday: 8am - 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 6pm
Sunday: Noon - Midnight
Reference Desk:
Monday: 10am - 4pm
Tuesday: 10am - 4pm
Wednesday: 10am - 1pm; 2pm - 4pm
Thursday: 10am - 4pm
Friday: 10am - 1pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
IT Help Desk:
Monday - Friday:
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Emory Law Archives:
Physical archives: By appointment only.
Digital archives: More information available here.
Limited remote services are available on a case-by-case basis.
Questions? Email Anna Sturgill, Law Librarian for Archives and Assessment Services