The following are some guides and resources on accessing Emory Libraries resources remotely. We are currently working to create more detailed guides and information on remote access for resources.
Bookmarklets for accessing digital resources -
Finding and using e-books -
Connecting from off-campus -
Online viewing and listening -
Film and video -
The Emory Libraries have over 1.2 million e-books in our collections from a large number of providers and vendors. In order to meet research needs under current circumstances, we are working diligently to expand access (at least for a temporary basis) with a number of our more popular vendors such as JSTOR, EBSCO, Overdrive and ProQuest. Please contact your subject librarian directly, or complete the purchase request form, to determine if we gain access to e-versions for materials for your research not currently available or currently on Reserve for teaching. Also, please consider use of the e-books libguide that we are currently updating.
Here are some of our most popular collections and notes about expanded access, where applicable.
You can search DiscoverE for our subscribed content to most of these collections. We plan to add temporary records to DIscoverE as well. You may also filter any of your searches (left-hand column) by "ebooks." Additional content may be available temporarily via the publisher site.
Further free access:
Expanded and Other Access:
Many of our streaming video vendors are making special offers: check out this Videolib Cheat Sheet for more information. Please send any requests for streaming access to physical media content to your subject librarian or to Course Reserves. We are all working together to determine if access is indeed available in streaming format.
Check out Swank Digital Campus for access to feature film streaming content, and use the Emory portal for requests.
A reminder that we currently have the current streaming content available to you, with notes where relevant: