Find and link directly to databases by subject (Physics, Chemistry, Biological Sciences), by category (Conferences, Papers & Proceedings; Grants & Funding), or alphabetically (all databases beginning with the letter "S")
A very basic discussion of standard features that help and enable you to perform effective searches, i.e. basic vs advanced searching; using subject headings; truncation & wildcards; phrase searching; Boolean operators; proximity operators; limiting features - dates of publication, language, publication or document type
A collection of multidisciplinary citation databases, including Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and more.
Contains all IEEE journals, transactions, letters, magazines and conference proceedings, and more. Covers from 1988 to the present with backfiles dating to 1913 for some selected journal titles.
Collection of physical, engineering, and chemical data tables.
Landolt-Börnstein Database Database on Thermophysical Properties (Dortmund Data Bank Software & Separation Technology, DDBST) Linus Pauling Files, a Database on Inorganic Solid Phases Chemical safety data and reports
A gateway to searching chemical structure, reaction, and property databases produced by the Chemical Abstracts Service.
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