Janus Society Newsletter - Microfilm 4398: Reel No. 53
Gay Rights Movement - Series 8
Coverage: Feb. '63 - Aug. '67
Jewish Gaily Forward - Microfilm 4457: Reel No. 32-34
Gay Rights Movement Series 9
Coverage: Sept. '77 - Mar. '04
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Politics - Coming Soon
Journal of Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Identity - Print
(Current Title: International Journal of Sexuality & Gender Studies)
Journal of Gender and the Law - Electronic or Print
Journal of Gender Studies - Electronic or Print
Journal Homosexuality - Electronic or Print
Journal of Lesbian Studies - Print
Journal of Men's Studies - Electronic
Journal of Sex Research - Electronic or Print
Journal of the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association - Electronic
Journal of the History of Sexuality - Electronic or Print