Most of the Emory libraries use the Library of Congress classification system of letters and numbers to group materials by subject. These call numbers are listed in Library Search and marked on each book. Use our call number guide to find out which floor of the library has the book you need. See the STACKS floor plan to understand where to begin your search.
I. Welcome
II. Review LibGuide
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Discuss specialized databases (Beazley Archive,, and LIMC),
III. Library Search and Stacks field trip
REF DE5 .B7 2002 (4 vols.) Brill's New Pauly : encyclopaedia of the ancient world
English translation of the authoritative Der Neue Pauly, an update of the academic standard Paulys Real-encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft. This interdisciplinary work provides easy, direct access to names, places, dates, and objects from all areas of Greek and Roman culture.
The Oxford classical dictionary
REF-DESK DE5 .O9 1996
Covers interdisciplinary concepts in the classical world such as law, history, art and literature, put together by an international team of contributors.
The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Brian M. Fagan, ed., Oxford University Press 1996. REFERENCE CC70 .O96 1996 or Oxford Reference Online Oxford University Press.
REF DF16 .B45 1989, Place-names in classical mythology : Greece
Deals with only mythological places, unless the real historical place had mythological associations. Also contains a chart associating modern place-names with their ancient locations.
REF DE7 .H39 2000 Who's who in the Greek world
This biographical dictionary features entries only on real people (no mythological figures), and includes a glossary, chronology, list of rulers, and black and white maps.