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Foundational Texts from the Middle East

Manuscript collection at Rose Library

This guide aims to assist students, researchers, and readers engaging with the texts of four items written in Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian in Rose Library's Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Eastern and Western Manuscript Collection.

These items in the manuscript collection are:

1- Illuminated manuscript pages, written in Persian (Hafiz)

2- Illuminated manuscript pages, written in Arabic (Qur'an)

3- Arabic manuscript consisting of two leaves forming one sheet. Letters are black with red superscript; text is interspersed with green and gold dots about 2 mm. in diameter (Qur'an)

4- Vellum scroll with Hebrew script containing the Book of Esther מגילת אסתר

5- Torah scroll ספר תורה: the Five Books of Moses (Pentateuch).

You can find more resources for each item and navigating this guide by using the pages on the top.


About this collection:

Description / Abstract:
Artificially created collection of ancient, medieval, and Renaissance eastern and western manuscripts.
Learn More:
Finding Aid
Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library