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Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

Summer 2024

Searching For Books In Library Search

From Library Search:

  • Type in your keywords
  • When you get some results, use "Refine Search Results" on the left to narrow your search by author, item type, date and more.

Too many search results?

  • Add additional terms to your search
  • Limit your search by item type, exact phrase, and/or author/title/subject using Library Search's drop-down menus
  • Use Library Search's "Limit Your Search" feature (in the left column) 

Too few results?

  • Remove some terms from your search
  • Add synonyms using OR [in upper case] with parentheses - for example (women OR woman OR female)

Off-topic results?

You can access your account to see what items you currently have checked out, when they are due, and to renew them. Click the "My Library Card" button in the upper-right corner of Library Search to log in, or click here.

Call Number Guide

Level Call Numbers
9 Closed
8 A-DC
7 DD-HD2499
6 HD2500-JK, N-NX
5 JL-LT, P-PR999
4 PR1000-Z
Lobby Level 4 (MUSIC AND MEDIA) M-MZ

Finding E-Books

Visit our E-Books guide for directions and guidance on how to locate and access e-books. If you have any questions, or if you are having trouble locating something, please feel free to get in touch with the Emory Libraries.
Search our library catalog, Library Search, for e-books. For detailed instructions on how to search discoverE for e-books, visit our guide on locating e-books.
WorldCat searches the holdings of several libraries in the United States as well as many libraries abroad. It is the world's most comprehensive bibliography with bibliographic records representing information spanning 4,000 years.

Interlibrary Loan

Visit our Interlibrary Services website to learn more about how you can request for free article & chapter scans and entire books from other libraries. Note that there might be differences in services and in arrival times as libraries are impacted by the pandemic or weather.