Provides indexing and abstracts for a large collection of magazines, journals, books and news sources. Also includes gray literature such as case studies and speeches, and full-text of historically significant LGBT resources.
Covers information on women from journals, newsletters, research reports, government and international agencies. Focused towards the disciplines of sociology, psychology, law, health, education, and business.
Collection of international sources on women's studies journals, newspapers, newsletters, books, theses, web sites and documents, and more.
Covers the core disciplines in Women's Studies to the latest scholarship in feminist research. Supports curriculum development in the areas of sociology, history, political science & economy, public policy, international relations, arts & humanities, business and education.
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Use these databases to find articles and other sources across disciplines.
Search for books and articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, pre-print repositories and universities, and more. To add a "Find It @ Emory" button, go to Library Links in the Settings menu, search for Emory, and click the "Find It @ Emory" box. NOTE: Unlike a library database, many sources found in Google Scholar require payment before providing full text; check library holdings of journal titles in Library Search or Interlibrary Loan before paying.
A collection of multidisciplinary citation databases, including Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, and more.
Abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature including scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. Covers science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
It contains over 19,500 titles from more than 5,000 publishers around the world, covering the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Scopus has 46 million records dating back to 1823, 72% of these containing references dating from 1996.
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Use Emory Libraries catalog, Library Search, to look for books on your topic.