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SOC 225 / WGS 231: Sociology of Sex and Gender

Introduction/Literature Review

The introduction and literature review provide context and rationale for the study. In this section, you should find:

  • synthesis of existing research and theory relevant to the study
  • definitions of terms and concepts used in the article
  • rationale for the study (for example, filling in a gap in the existing research)


This section describes how the researchers conducted the study. In this section, you should find:

  • Recruitment strategies for study participants 
  • Demographics of study participants (such as age, race, gender, etc.)
  • Data collection methods (such as surveys, interviews, ethnographic observation)
  • Citation or description of measures used, if any


This section describes what the study found, the results of quantitative and/or qualitative analysis. 

Depending on methodology, you may find:

  • Statistical charts and graphs
  • Interview themes and excerpts


The discussion section interprets the results. It should also discuss limitations of the study. This section often suggests future lines of inquiry.