Course reserves are materials that your professor has requested the Oxford College library to reserve for student use. These materials are kept in a special area (just behind the circulation desk) at the Oxford College library. Not all of your courses will have course reserves.
This guide is a great resource for both faculty and students on how to access course reserves. Please feel free to share this guide with your classmates and colleagues.
If you have any questions about your course reserves, please contact your professor, or email the Oxford Library Course Reserves Team:
Not all faculty will have course reserves for your classes. To find out if your course has any items on reserve:
Log in to Canvas with your Emory NetID and password. Select the course, and select Library Course Reserves on the bottom left of the menu bar. Alternatively, you can directly log in to without going through Canvas to access your course reserves.
If you do not have any course reserves assigned, a blank screen will appear. Otherwise, you will see the following:
Physical course reserves are physical materials that will be located just behind the Oxford College Library Circulation desk. In order to check these items out, visit the Oxford Library Service Desk and give the course name, instructor, and item title to the staff member. (example: Eng 381RW, Professor Ivey, "Women Writers in America.")
All physical reserve items check out for a 3 hour period. There is an overdue fine of $1 per hour. Text 770-415-8963 to see if your item can be renewed.
To find an item that is on phyiscal reserve, you should see the following:
Click on Show Details to bring up details about the item:
Electronic items do not circulate in the same way physical items circulate. You do not have to "check out" an electronic item that is on course reserve and no fines will accrue.
Electronic reserves will have a "View Item" option. Click on "View Item," and the item (website, pdf, streaming film) will open up in a new tab or window. You may have to log in with your Emory Net ID and password in order to view the item.
The link may take you to the LibrarySearch entry page, where you can click on "CONNECT" to access the material.
If you are accessing course reserves off-Emory campus, you may need to log in to the Emory VPN to access databases. Visit for more information.
The Oxford College Library has portable BluRay/DVD players available to checkout! These players are region free and will play all region DVDs/BluRay discs.
These can be checked out at the library circulation desk where the course reserves are located, and you will need to agree and digitally sign the Oxford Library Equipment Agreement Form.
Like all the other physical course reserves, these can be checked out for 3 hours and overdue fines are $1 per hour.
See below for a list of the streaming film collections available to Oxford students.
Kanopy Streaming: Thousands of streaming videos on all subjects from a wide range of suppliers
Academic Video Online: Alexander Street Press documentaries, ethnographies, etc.
Ambrose Video: Shakespeare BBC
Docuseek2: Documentary and social issues films from a variety of notable distributors
Film Platform: National and international documentaries from a variety of distributors
Naxos Video Library: Opera, classical music, ballet, concerts, and more