We recommend dividing your reference page into categories for your ePortfolio, to make it easier to organize and easier for the viewer to read. Remember that everything you directly discuss or include in your ePortfolio should be cited, no matter what it is!
Portfolio Text: Anything mentioned in body text (books or articles you read in or out of class, lectures, etc.).
Artifacts: All your digital artifacts (photos and videos, your essays or projects, etc.).
Other Elements: Any digital elements you used when making your portfolio that aren't artifacts (background images, music, etc.).
Acknowledgments: People who helped shape the portfolio but aren’t mentioned in the portfolio text (tutors, peers, librarians, etc.).
An example Reference section of an ePortfolio.
Portfolio Text
Crowl, Paige. "Happy Spinach." 28 Feb. 2017. Personal collection.
Crowl, S. Paige. Queerly Categorized: LGBTQ+ Subjects and Language in the Catalog. May 2018. Illinois IDEALS, https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/101834.
Crowl, Paige. "Wading Through the Data: Are Consumers Willing to Buy Lionfish on St. Croix?" 9 Dec. 2016. ENVS 250, Emory University, student paper.
Other Elements
manfredsteger. Illustration of pixel cell creature holding folder. Pixabay, 22 Jan. 2019, pixabay.com/images/id-3947911/.
The author thanks librarians Vanessa Garofalo and Kitty McNeill for their contributions to this ePortfolio.