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ORCID at Emory

This guide will help you understand the benefits of an ORCID iD and how to use it.

Connecting ORCID to Federal Funder Requirements

Since 2020, ORCID iDs have been required for all NIH, AHRQ, and CDC grant submissions (NOT-OD-19-109). Beginning in Fall 2023, all proposal submissions to the NSF will also require ORCID iDs. All other federal agencies are expected to follow suit by the end of 2027 as per the 2022 Office of Science and Technology Policy Public Access Memo requiring all federal funders to obtain a unique digital persistent identifier that meets the common/core standards of a digital persistent identifier service defined in the  NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance—which ORCID iDs do.

Specific instructions for connecting your ORCID iD to your eRA Commons account are provided here.

Finding your ORCID iD

If you think you’ve registered for ORCID, but don’t remember your ID or username, try the following steps to find your profile and iD.

NOTE: those who have participated in federally-funded research, awards, or training programs will likely already have ORCID iDs. Be sure to find your assigned identifier before registering for a second one.

Option 1: Look up your name and previous affiliation on the ORCID website at If your profile is set to visible - you will be able to identify yourself and see your ORCID iD.

Option 2: Use the email address you think might be associate with your ORCID account to sign in at If needed, select the “Forgotten your password or ORCID iD?” option.

If you don’t have an existing ID, register through the ORCID website at


Connecting your ORCID profile with Emory

Users can register with ORCID using any email address or trhough the “Access through your institution” option to sign-in and create profile with your Emory login credentials. However, if creating a profile through your Emory credentials, it is recommended to add an additional email to your account so you will continue to be able to access the account if/when you leave Emory.

Once you have created an ORCID account, please visit to connect with your Emory data to streamline proposal submissions, progress reports, and other reporting activities.


Connecting ORCID with MyNCBI

Your MyNCBI account connects your data with federal funding agencies such as NIH and NSF. Making this connection allows you to use ORCID to populate your SciENcv and connect with your eRA Commons account.

1. Have your ORCID account set-up with publications and other information as you choose.
2. From the PubMed Homepage, select “Log in” from the upper right corner.
3. Select a method to sign in or create an NCBI Account. Select “more login options” to sign in using your Emory University credentials.
5. Once signed in, you will see your username on the top right corner. Click on your username and “Account Setting.”
7. Scroll down to Linked Accounts to add ORCID from “Available 3rd-party partners”.
8. You will be prompted to enter your ORCID username and password and authorize the connection.


Using ORCID to populate the NIH or NSF Biosketch

Researchers can connect their ORCID iD with their SciENcv profile to populate data with the click of a button, rather than having to manually retype all required information. SciENcv is a CV tool that allows you to maintain grant applications, biosketch information, and progress reports associated with federal grants.

1. Populate your ORCID profile with the relevant information you wish to important into the biosketch. This can include Biography/Personal Statement, Education, Employment/Positions, and Scholarly Works.

2. From your MyNCBI Dashboard, find the SciENcv tile under your account. Click on “Manage SciENcv” to create a new document.

3.    If you have not set up a profile, click “edit” to input your display name, and connect your ORCID profile under “Optional Information.” This will allow you to import the required fields available in your ORCID profile without having to manually retype the information. If you have already connected your account, this will only take a few seconds.

4.    When creating a new document, you will now be able to select ORCID as an External data source. This will then automatically populate the first 3 sections of your biosketch with ORCID available data. You will be given a toggle option to select the relevant citations as they appear in either your My Bibliography or ORCID account.