A Curious Garden of Herbs by Kay K. Moss; Suzanne S. SimmonsCall Number: SB453.2.A13 M677
ISBN: 9780820357829
Publication Date: 2020
An illustrated collection of herbal fact and lore of the historical kitchen garden. Rather than offering a how-to of gardening methods, the authors trace herbs and their uses back to earlier times and places. Includes reflections and observations from manuscripts and published herbals that detail the historical uses and fascinating stories surrounding plants of documented interest in the early American South and mid-Atlantic. Practicality and necessity were the guiding theses for gardening in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century rural and frontier settlements in the Southeast. There were plants for food, for seasoning, for medicine, for dye, for insect repellency, and for scent. The gardens detailed in these pages are generally of the "middling sort"--of townspeople and farmers, of "housewives," merchants, and artisans.
Book available in print.