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Environmental Sciences Films

Documentaries available for classes, Emory clubs, and personal viewing.

Streaming in Class: Best Practices

Emory subscribes to or purchases many streaming films and documentaries. You can find most titles in Library Search or browse our academic streaming sites.

For classroom screenings conducted via Zoom faculty should share permalinks with students either via videoconference chat or your courses' Canvas site. Students should watch on their own screens in a separate window and with their Zoom audio muted, and then return to the main meeting for discussion, analysis, etc.

To reduce the likelihood of technical problems during class time, viewing online documentaries is best used as a homework assignment.  Allow the students 1-3 days to view the film independently. Then, faculty can lead the discussion during class time.

Contact Kristan for a permalink if it is not available.

Tips for Faculty & Students

Documentaries & films are available in 2 formats:

1. If in DVD they can be requested from the Woodruff Library Service Desk on the main floor (2nd floor). You should request in advance so no waiting. To request, Login to Library Search and Request the title. To ask for us to purchase a DVD, you can complete this online form or email Kristan. 

2. If streaming, most are included in our Library Search. You can explore our many streaming options. For the library to purchase a streaming documentary, complete this online form or email Kristan. 


  • Faculty borrowing of visual media include extra time for previewing films.
  • You can check-out a DVD player for your classroom from the Library Service Desk too. 
  • Faculty can arrange for a student assistant or staff person to check out films for them. Complete this proxy form to assign permissions.
  • You and your class can view a DVD or VHS in the Music Library's Group Viewing Room 423. It seats 20. You can book this room. Advise the students to take the front stairs or front elevators to the Music Library on the 4th floor.


Environmental Films List

Browse this guide compiled to support the Department of Environmental Sciences. Popular topics include:

Additional documentaries are available as this list does not include all of the films acquired for anthropology, development, film studies, and other departments. Please use Library Search and/or contact a librarian for assistance in locating other titles or a specific topic.