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Data Resources for Economic Forecasting (ECON 422)

Sources for Monthly/Quarterly Economic Indicators

What We Do

Data Services consists of support for the use of both geosptial and quantitative data, for both faculty and students and in both research and teaching. It furthers the academic mission of scholarly inquiry by assisting users with locating relevant data and with assembling those data into usable forms, thus allowing users to test and evaluate arguments and hypotheses and to move from the realm of the abstract and theoretical to the realm of the empirical. Reflecting the non-disciplinary nature of data, we assist researchers from departments and schools throughout the university.

This guide mainly focuses on quantitative data and statistical information - sources for such data and guides and introductions for working with such data in statistical software. Towards these ends, we offer the following services to students and faculty:

  • Identify numeric data sources and statistical information that are relevant, reliable, and useful for research and teaching.
  • Assist students and faculty with cleaning and preparing data for analysis.
  • Provide students and faculty with support for using statistical and mapping software (R, SAS, SPSS, Stata, ArcGIS).
  • Provide classroom instruction on issues regarding data access and resources.

See for other data services and support available to researchers at Emory.