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Development Practice Research Guide

Resources to support the Masters in Development Practice program and other Emory Development Studies programs


Welcome to the Development Practice Research Guide. Your subject librarian, Amber Prentiss, is available to help with:

  • Finding  and accessing resources for papers, internships, and practicums.
  • Adding to the library's collection. If there is a book you would like purchased that relates to international development and NGOs, please let Amber know.
  • Qualitative research and MAXQDA (qualitative research software).
  • Background research for jobs and fellowships.

Other Relevant Research Guides

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Robert Woodruff Library » Classes at Woodruff Library

Updated July 3, 2019

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Masters of Development Practice at Emory

The Masters of Development Practice program at Emory is located at 1599 Clifton Rd, 6th floor, Atlanta, GA 30322.