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LAW 837 - Animal Law (Prof. Satz, Fall 2022)

Primary Sources

In addition to Westlaw, Lexis, and Hein Online, the following sources can be used for quickly locating cases, statutes, pending legislation, and regulations. Just remember to check an official source (such as on Westlaw or Lexis) to make sure the law on which you’re relying is current.

Comprehensive Sources (for cases, statutes, and regulations):

  • Animal Legal & Historical Center (Michigan State University College of Law): A repository of information about animal law, including over 1200 full text cases (US, historical, and UK), over 1400 US statutes, over 60 topics and explanations, legal articles on a variety of animal topics and an international collection.
  • Animal Legal Defense Fund – Laws & Cases: A comprehensive collection of animal law pleadings, cases, ALDF reports and other resources addressing animal law issues.
  • Animal Welfare Online Reading Room (National Agricultural Law Center): Provides links to important statutes and regulations, an index of animal welfare case law, as well as links to many secondary sources on animal protection issues.
  • Animal Law Resource Center: Provides access to statutes, pending legislation, case law, and model laws pertaining to animals and the law. Content is updated regularly and is presented in searchable databases.


Pending Legislation:


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