The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the annual codification of all the final rules and regulations for all U.S. Administrative Agencies. It is arranged by topic and agency. There are 50 titles and it is published every year in a staggered fashion with ¼ being published every quarter, so that the entire code is revised each year. It is comprised of over 200 volumes and around 150,000 pages each year. Title 3 contains the Presidential Documents of the previous year.
The MacMillan Law Library has a print copy of the Code of Federal Regulations on the 3rd floor of the law library, but there are also many places you can find the CFR electronically. GovInfo has the CFR dating back to 1996, while Westlaw and Lexis provide access dating back to the early 1980’s. Applicable titles may be found on Agency websites and researchers can also access the CFR for free via Cornell LII’s website. For PDFs dating back to 1938, Hein Online is a great resource.
Indexes are very important when trying to find regulations on various topics. The official CFR index is one volume, but West also produces a four volume index with more detailed indexing which researchers may find helpful.