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PSYC 190 The Science of Study (Main)

Kazama, Fall 2019

Scholarly versus Popular Sources

Know the difference between scholarly and popular/non-scholarly articles.

A good guide is provided by the University of Arizona

"Scholarly" journal =
"Peer-Reviewed" journal =
"Refereed" journal

The CRAAP Test

How do you know if a source that you find is research paper quality?

Try putting it through The CRAAP Method of Evaluating Information, a series of questions developed by librarians at California State University, Chico.

This test is designed to work for all information sources, including websites.

Click here to find the complete CRAAP Test pdf - just one page!

The acronym CRAAP stands for:

Currency: The timeliness of information.
Relevance: The importance of information for your needs.
Authority: The source of the information.
Accuracy: The reliability, truthfulness, and correctness of the information content.
Purpose: The reason the information exists.