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Instructional Support - Plagiarism Resources for Emory Law Faculty

Research Methodology

In creating this Library Guide, the MacMillan Research Librarians completed extensive research and reviewed plagiarism policies and materials available from a broad range of law schools as well as those that stood out from several undergraduate institutions.  Research into specific law schools included top and comparable tier law schools, as well as law schools in close geographic proximity.  Many law schools do not have dedicated and/or available plagiarism library guides or resources.  Instead, these schools rely on ones already created by their affiliated institutional libraries aimed at undergraduate students.  Additionally, the MLL team investigated a variety of available plagiarism detection software programs for consideration and use by Emory Law faculty.   

Selected additional and helpful plagiarism articles, guides and links can be found below.

Additional Resources

Additional and helpful plagiarism articles, guides and links:

Library Guides:



Other Resources: