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Data Resources for International Environmental Policy (ENVS 377)

Climate Change

British Petroleum Statistical Review of World Energy
The Statistical Review of World Energy is a very good source for international time-series data on energy production and consumption and includes a collection of downloadable data.

Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CIDAC)
The CDIAC is an excellent source for comprehensive data on climate change and related matters. Users may be especially interested in the CDIAC Catalog, which includes much historical data on CO2 emissions as well as historical data on average temperatures. Note that the contents of the site are gradually being transitioned to other locations.

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions provides a very wide range of reports and analysis of climate change, from introductions to the topic to discussions of the economics and environmental impacts of global warming to policy reports covering the U.S. and other major countries.

Climate Data Online
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Climate Data Online site is a point of access to climate data maintained by the National Centers for Environmental Information. You can access data collected via means such as land-based monitoring stations, satellites, or sea-based observation stations, measuring topics such as temperature and amount of sunlight and amount of precipitation. The Quick Links will take you to many of the available data collections.

Department of Energy Energy Information Administration (EIA)
The EIA is a very extensive source for data on energy consumption in the United States, with both annual and monthly data available. The EIA also has a collection of "navigators" with additional data on various categories of energy, such as the Petroleum Navigator that includes national and state-level data on prices, production, and consumption. The EIA also has much international data available.

National Surveys on Energy and the Environment, [United States], Fall 2008-Fall 2017
The National Surveys on Energy and Environment (NSEE)was "an on-going biannual national opinion survey on energy and climate policy. Launched in 2008, over time the NSEE has covered topics such as public policy approaches to address climate change including federal, state, and international action; energy policies such as cap-and-trade, carbon taxes, renewable energy requirements, vehicle emissions standards, and many more; and knowledge and attitudes about global warming, climate adaptation, fracking, and geoengineering." The data available here include "data from eighteen waves, from Fall 2008 through Fall 2017. Demographic variables include age, years of education completed, income, political affiliation, religious affiliation, gender, and race." Data from individual waves are also available via openICPSR and via the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. If you need to access the ICPSR and its data from off of campus, please see this notice and these instructions from the ICPSR.

Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
The Sabin Center for Climate Change Law "develops legal techniques to fight climate change, trains law students and lawyers in their use, and provides the public with up-to-date resources on key topics in climate law and regulation." The Center's resources include a collection of databases on topics such as climate change legislation, climate deregulation, climate change litigation, and efforts to censor scientific research related to climate change.

World Bank Climate Change Data
The World Bank provides "[data] from World Development Indicators and Climate Change Knowledge Portal on climate systems, exposure to climate impacts, resilience, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy use." A range of data are available here, from historical averages and trends of precipitation to interactive maps that allow you to estimate the effects of climate change on individual water basins. Be sure to see the other climate change data resources available via the Bank's Data Catalog.