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CHN 230: Description and Analysis of the Chinese Language

This is a survey course introducing you to the linguistic features of the Chinese language and its interaction with Chinese culture and society. It investigates the fundamentals of Chinese phonology, morphology, syntax and the writing system.


End​Note is a program that makes it possible to collect and organize references in a database and instantly create properly formatted bibliographies.


Zotero helps you collect, manage, and cite research sources. Zotero allows you to attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into collections for different projects, and create bibliographies using Word or Open Office.

Citing Your Sources

The Emory Libraries Citing Your Sources Research Guide provides information on why to cite sources, how to avoid plagiarism, how to avoid common mistakes, and a list of style manuals.

You can also visit websites with basic guidelines on how to use common style formats, such as:

    Duke University Libraries, Citing Sources (Chicago and APA styles)

    OWL at Purdue, APA Formatting and Style Guide

Emory Writing Center

When you are writing a research paper and need help thinking through your topic or organizing your paper's content, Emory Writing Center provides thoughtful one-on-one attention and feedback at any stage of the writing process.

Meetings with tutors are available by appointment.