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Course Guide to CHN272: Literature in Early and Imperial China

This course offers an introduction to traditional Chinese literature from its beginning in the first millennium through the end of the imperial era in 1911. The class will read and discuss some representative works from various periods, ...

Other Library Catalogs


If you can't find the book you need from Emory libraries, that's not the end of your search.  You can continue at WorldCat, the online catalog of books and other materials held in the libraries almost all over the world.  You can retrieve the book you found from WorldCat through Interlibrary Loan, for details see next section.

Searching for Books in Library Search


Library Search

Library Search is  Emory libraries' online catalog.  You can find books from this online catalog, as well as journals, videos, government documents and archives at the library stacks in Woodruff, Pitts Theology, Health Sciences Center, McMillan Law, Guy Chemistry, Math & Science Center and Oxford libraries. 

Books that are at Oxford and the Library Service Center can be requested.  Checked out books can be recalled.

In Library Search:

  1. Click the title you'd like to request
  2. Click the "Physical Resources" tab
  3. Then click the "Request" button (you will need to be logged in to your account for this to appear)

Library will notify you by email when the item is available.

If the item is checked out, the borrower has ten days to return it.

Getting Books Emory does Not Own


Interlibrary Loan

If we do not own a book that you need, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan -- a free service. We will borrow a copy for you from another library. The first time you logon you will need to register. If you need help with this service, contact a reference librarian.


Interlibrary Use

You can check out books from Georgia Tech, Georgia State, and the University of Georgia with your Emory ID card. These institutions may have the materials you need for your research.  You may be able to checkout books from other local college/university libraries, as well.  An interlibrary use card may be required; these are available at the

Subject Guide

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Guo-Hua Wang