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Other Databases for Psychology Research

Other good databases for Psychology research:

Animal Behavior Abstracts  (1982 - present, online)

Woodruff Reference QL 750 .B54 (1974 - 1981, print)

Indispensable resource for scientists in behavioral and related studies. Significant papers relevant to animal behavior, with subjects ranging from neurophysiology to behavioral ecology and from genetics to applied ethology. Surveys all of the important journals dealing with the biology of particular taxonomic groups.

Annual Reviews Online

Each year, Annual Reviews critically reviews the most significant primary research literature to guide you to the principal contributions of the field and help you keep up to date in your area of research.  Offers authoritative analytic reviews in 32 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences. Annual Reviews publications are among the most highly cited in scientific literature. 

Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA)

Covers health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education. Currently indexes over 500 journals from 16 countries.  Assigns descriptors covering a broad range of areas in psychology.

Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography
Woodruff Reference (1928 to 2001, print).  This bibliography ceased publication in 2001.

Includes abstracts from professional periodicals and book reviews related to the growth and development of children.  Divided into 7 sections: 1.) biology, health, and medicine; 2.) cognition, learning, and perception; 3.) education; 4.) psychiatry and clinical psychology; 5.) social psychology and personality; 6.) theory, methodology and reviews; and 7.) book notices.

ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center)

Offered on four interfaces: [CSA]   [EBSCOhost]    [OCLC FirstSearch]    [DOE]

The premier index for education literature consisting of documents, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, books, and articles indexed from hundreds of journals.  Includes over 40 descriptors (subject headings) for Psychology, such as Child Psychology, School Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Learning Psychology, et al.

Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI)

A database of indexed journal articles that discuss measurement instruments such as questionnaires, checklists, index measures, rating scales, project techniques, tests, interview schedules, and a variety of other means of evaluation. The database DOES NOT INCLUDE THE TESTS THEMSELVES.

L'Annee Psychologique
JRNL Storage (1894 - 1973, print)

The leading French review of scientific psychology. The 73 volumes from 1894-1973 include signed abstracts of periodical articles and critical book reviews.

Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts

Covers all aspects of the study of language. Complete coverage is also given to various fields of linguistics.  Includes articles with indexed terms in psychology such as Psychology of Language, Psycholinguistics, et al.

PEP Archive (Psychoanalytical Electronic Publishing)

Full-text, indexed and hyper-linked collection of many premier journals on psychoanalysis since 1920, including the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association and the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis. In addition to regular updates of the journals already included in the Archive, new psychoanalytic books and journals are periodically added to the collection.

Note:  PEP Archive contains the full-text of:
Strachey, J. (1953-1974). The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volumes 1-24.

Periodicals Index Online

An electronic index to millions of articles published in thousands of periodicals in the humanities and social sciences.  Contains over 500,000 articles with the subject term "Psychology."

Social Sciences Abstracts

Indexes social science periodicals. Covers the latest concepts, trends, opinions, theories, and methods from both applied and theoretical aspects of the social sciences, including Psychology.  

Social Sciences Citation Index

The Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) is a multidisciplinary database. Includes each article's cited reference list, so you can also search the databases for articles that cite a known author or work. SSCI is included as a part of Web of Science.

Sociological Abstracts

Covers major international literature from journals, books, dissertations and conference papers in sociology and related disciplines (including social psychology).

Empirical vs. Review Articles

Know the difference between empirical and review articles.

Empirical article
An empirical (research) article reports methods and findings of an original research study conducted by the authors of the article. 

Review article
A review article or "literature review" discusses past research studies on a given topic.

Scholarly Sources

Know the difference between scholarly and non-scholarly articles.

"Scholarly" journal
"Peer-Reviewed" journal
"Refereed" journal
"Academic" journal

To determine if your article is from a scholarly journal:

  • Go to
  • Search by the exact title of the journal
  • If it says "Refereed: Yes" then it is a scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal

Social Sciences Librarian

Profile Photo
Jennifer Elder
she, her, hers
Librarian for Education, Psychology, QTM, & Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies

Emory University

Robert W. Woodruff Library
