The NEW Publication Manual of the APA, Seventh Edition, was published in the fall of 2019. Unfortunately, the Publication Manual of the APA, Seventh Edition, is not available as an e-book, but there are many good online resources that provide guidance on APA Style, 7th edition.
Some helpful online resources for citing sources in APA Style, Seventh Edition are:
The following APA Style resources are freely available:
Plagiarism is presenting another person’s words and/or ideas as your own words/ideas either deliberately OR unintentionally.
Plagiarism involves stealing another person's intellectual property.
The Honor Code at Emory University
From Article 4:
"Academic misconduct...includes...
From the Appendix:
"Any person who uses a writer's ideas or phraseology without giving due credit is guilty of plagiarism."
"The student is entirely responsible for knowing and following the principles of paraphrasing."