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PSYC 110 Introduction to Psychology I: Psychobiology and Cognition (Atlanta)

Hampton, Fall 2024

Cite Using APA Style


The NEW Publication Manual of the APA, Seventh Edition, was published in the fall of 2019. Unfortunately, the Publication Manual of the APA, Seventh Edition, is not available as an e-book, but there are many good online resources that provide guidance on APA Style, 7th edition. 

Some helpful online resources for citing sources in APA Style, Seventh Edition are:


Online resources for APA Style


The following APA Style resources are freely available:

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism is presenting another person’s words and/or ideas as your own words/ideas either deliberately OR unintentionally.

Plagiarism involves stealing another person's intellectual property.

The Honor Code at Emory University

From Article 4:

"Academic misconduct...includes...


From the Appendix:

"Any person who uses a writer's ideas or phraseology without giving due credit is guilty of plagiarism."

"The student is entirely responsible for knowing and following the principles of paraphrasing."