Articles and books not available through Emory libraries can be requested through ILLiad. These items will be requested for you, free of charge, from other libraries in the state, the country, and the rest of the world. Requests may take anywhere from a few days to two weeks depending on the item's demand and the shipping method.
AND, OR, NOT (known as Boolean Operators) are used to connect and define the relationship between your search terms. Use uppercase letters for Boolean operators within searches.
Narrows the search by telling Library Search to search for all records with both keywords or phrases.
Broadens the search to include records with either keyword/phrase, or both.
Narrows your search. Tells database to search the first word but exclude the second word.
Wildcard characters
Use a question mark to perform a single character wildcard search.
Use an asterisk to perform a multiple character wildcard search.
Use parentheses to group terms within a search.