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CPLT 101 - The Traveling Babel Library

This guide is designed to assist the students in Professor Liang's Spring 2025 Semester course with their research


Welcome to "The Traveling Babel Library" This guide provides links to some useful resources to help with research for your final project. It is not comprehensive, but intends to point the user to a variety of materials held at or through Emory.

Erik Desmazières, Library of Babel.  Source:

Get in touch with with me Phil MacLeod, if you have questions or if you'd like to set up an appointment to discuss your research assignment in more detail.

Get Help with Research at the Emory Libraries

The Emory Libraries provide a number of ways for your to get help with your research. Don't hesitate to get in touch with a question! We can help you locate materials, structure a search, develop your topic, evaluate materials, manage citations, and more.