The Emory Writing Center offers personalized one-to-one support for writing assignments. You can book sessions with tutors by appointment or drop-in during walk-in hours.
ZoteroBib (Zbib) is a free service that helps you build a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software. It’s brought to you by the team behind Zotero, the powerful open-source research tool recommended by thousands of universities worldwide, so you can trust it to help you seamlessly add sources and produce perfect bibliographies.
Using the work of another scholar without proper citation, whether that work is available in print or online, is plagiarism, a violation of the Emory Honor Code. See the Citing your Sources guide for more information.
What is Chicago style citation?
Chicago style is typically used in history and other humanities disciplines. There are two types of Chicago style: The author-date style uses parenthetical citations, which means that the citation information is within parentheses beside the quoted or paraphrased information. The note-bibliography (NB) style requires the use of footnotes or endnotes, which means that the citation information is either at the foot of the page or at the end of the article and is noted at the end of the quoted or paraphrased text with a number in superscript.
How do I cite in Chicago style?
For help with Chicago style, see the following resources:
Zotero helps you collect, manage, and cite research sources. Zotero allows you to attach PDFs, notes and images to your citations, organize them into collections for different projects, and create bibliographies using Word or Open Office.
EndNote is a program that makes it possible to collect and organize references in a database and instantly create properly formatted bibliographies.