Secondary Sources are works that are written using information from primary sources. They provide additional commentary, interpretations, or analyses about work that has been published, contributing to conversations that are taking place within a discipline.
When searching for secondary sources in the databases below use the information you found in your tertiary sources to generate keywords.
AND / OR / NOT, known as Boolean Operators, are used to connect and define the relationship between your Keywords. Use uppercase letters for Boolean operators within searches.
Narrows the search by telling the database or catalog to search for all records with both keywords. Use AND to connect the main concepts you want represented in your results.
Broadens the search to include records with either keyword/phrase, or both. Use OR to connect synonyms or associated keywords relating to one of your main concepts.
*Use only to differentiate between concepts or filter out results if needed.
Narrows your search. Tells database to find results that include the first word and exclude the second word.