ARTHIST 485/735 Landscape and Memory in Ancient Maya Cities
This seminar will address landscape and memory in ancient Maya cities by focusing on sculpture, architecture, and relationships between the built environment and natural world.
Curated collections of digital images and associated data for non-commercial, scholarly, non-profit, and educational use. ALSO IN JSTOR, ARTSTOR will go away Aug 2024
A bibliographic database that cites articles from English-language periodicals. Periodical coverage includes some of the best-known scholarly journals and numerous lesser-known but important specialized magazines.
Formerly known as Humanities & Social Sciences Abstracts, or Humanities Abstracts.
Access a large collection of journals in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, as well as coverage of many international conference proceedings.
To search this database, select Search In: Web of Science Core Collection, and then under Editions you can select the Arts & Humanities Citation Index.