LOG-IN to ILLIAD (the system used by Emory to process Inter-library loans)
Registration with ILLiad is a one-time process which serves the following purposes:
Entering your contact information and delivery preferences enables library staff to communicate effectively with you about your requests and to deliver requested materials accurately when they arrive.
Entering your departmental or school affiliation allows the libraries to track the demand for ILL and document delivery services from different parts of the university so that the libraries can improve our services and collections to better meet your needs.
Your contact information and delivery preferences are stored in ILLiad and are linked to each request you submit so, unless this information changes, you'll never need to enter it in ILLiad again.
Your personal and request information in ILLiad is confidential and will be used primarily for processing your requests and communicating with you about them. In addition, the libraries generate reports about various aspects of ILL and document delivery activity. However, we will never include information that identifies an individual requester in any report without his/her explicit permission.